Chloroplast-encoded rbc L sequences were obtained for Arctic strains with vegetative Zygnema -like morphology isolated from 39 different mats at 20 different localities on Svalbard Fig. The natural samples were transported to the Department of Botany, Charles University, using a cooling box. Based on the few images without the final stage of cell wall development, the zygospores best resemble Z. Be the first to review this item. Moreover, any structural and functional knowledge could help to resolve the diversity and evolution of Zygnematophyceae, the most species-rich charophyte lineage. Therefore, we decided to test whether our genotypes could be discriminated based solely on their vegetative morphology, even though it is well known that the molecular diversity of filamentous Zygnematophyceae is far greater than indicated by the lack of morphological variation Chen et al. Moreover, the lack of knowledge of species diversity precludes the testing of any ecological or biogeographic hypotheses.
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Biogeography and dispersal of micro-organisms: Folia Microbiologica However, chloroplast shape did not appear to reflect the phylogenetic position of Zygnema strains. In addition, we tried to induce conjugation by slow desiccation on yzgnema plates, nitrogen starvation and cultivation in a crossed gradient of light and temperature. Fourteen out of 39 mats included more than one genotype.
However, when the morphology of the chloroplast was observed using confocal laser scanning microscopy, the differences discrimijate quite clear Figs 28 — 39 for Zygnema spp. In addition, we observed significant differences in cell width among individual genotypes, but they did not reflect phylogeny as previously suggested Herburger et al. The terminal lobes are wide, flat and rounded in shape, with relatively deep incisions.
Genotypes from Svalbard are in bold.
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Within the appendage, the loose arrangement of cellulose fibrils was clearly visible Fig. Novis reported only one fertile specimen i. All shared an identical rbc L sequence, and were closely related to other strains: Open in a separate discrominate.

This strain is included in the map and the list of sampling sites no. Nature Methods9: Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Web. A polyploid species complex of Spirogyra communis Chlorophyta occurring in nature. There are only four public rbc L sequences that form a monophyletic clade, including one Cylindrocystis strain, which was most likely incorrectly determined using morphological methods alone.
Transmission electron micrographs of zygospores of Zygnemopsis lamellata collected in the field.
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Amazon Second Chance Pass it on, trade it in, give it a second life. Phylogenetic position of Zygogonium ericetorum Zygnematophyceae, Charophyta from a high alpine habitat and ultrastructural characterization of unusual aplanospores. Zygnematophyceae, Streptophyta on Svalbard High Arctic subjected to natural desiccation.
Zygnema- Theory of lies and negation live at blue frog video Zygnema- Theory zyghema lies and negation live at blue frog on However, chloroplast shape does not appear to reflect the phylogenetic position of the strains. Scalariform conjugation was observed exclusively, and zygospores were generally quadrangular pillow-shaped, quadrately ovoid, and laterally compressed Figs 56and only rarely globose.
BMC Evolutionary Biology Phycological studies IV Some soil algae from enchanted rock and related algal species.
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A method for quantifying conservation value in lentic freshwater habitats using desmids as indicator organisms. Similarly, Stancheva et al. Biodiversity of freshwater algae and cyanobacteria on deglaciated northern part of James Ross Island, Antarctica. Holarctic Ecology Phylogeny of Spirogyra and Sirogonium Zygnematophyceae based on rbc L sequence data.
Consistent with this previously published phylogeny, our genotypes were distributed within the two largest clades Fig. However, a few recent ecophysiological studies indicated that there is diversity hidden within non-reproducing field populations of Zygnema or Zygnemopsis Kaplan et al.
Environmental parameters measured during sampling in
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